
 and Disc Plows

Although not a major component of the Rock Island Plow Company lineup, the disc plow did have a prominent place. One of the few implements RIPC did not develop significantly in house, instead relying on the Newell Sanders Company of Chattanooga TN. Although it is indicated in some sources  that RIPC partnered with Sander’s starting sometime around 1916 or 1917, the below pictures come from the 1913 RIPC catalog, so either RIPC did have a disc plow already or the accepted date is incorrect.  The partnership with Sanders also brought a new chilled plow line to RIPC and over the next few years Rock Island  also manufactured Sanders Plows. In 1927 Rock Island purchased the Newell Sanders Plow Company and closed the Chattanooga plant. The IH company had also purchased plows from the Newell Sanders Co, as well as from Newell Sanders original company that he had since retaken control of, The Chattanooga Plow Company. IH acquired the Chattanooga Plow Company in 1919 and Sanders continued to operate Newell Sanders.

Rock Island Disc Plows

Below is the Sanders Disc Plow Catalog after Rock Islands Purchase of the company. Circa 1929

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Rock Island Discs & Disk Harrows

The Disc was an essential farm implement and Rock Island produced a number of variants over the years from early horse drawn versions to later tractor pulled versions, although the basic designs saw few changes. One thing to note is that the harrows were included in the disk section and some lighter disks were referred to as disk harrows

Below: 1931 catalog page